
About Authorize.Net

Headquarters: Utah, United States

Phone: 801 492 6450


Authorize.Net Payment Gateway provides the complex infrastructure and security necessary to ensure fast, reliable and secure transmission of transaction data.


Process credit card payments quickly and easily with Authorize.Net

Process credit card payments quickly and easily with Authorize.Net

Use Frontdesk Anywhere as your own virtual terminal to charge guests and non-guests for the services you offer. Multiple staff members can charge guest cards at the same time from a different location within your property.

  • Improve your guest experience and satisfaction: process guests more quickly, enable guests to book and pay online.
  • Streamline operations: reduce transaction/credit card errors and time spent on double entry, create your own rules to collect deposits and payments.
  • Save money: you don't need to buy or lease expensive credit card processing devices.

To start accepting credit cards orders safely and securely, contact us:
Phone: 415 - 800 - 5940 x1.